- Know 2 ways out of every room.
- If smoke alarm sounds, get outside and call 9-1-1.
- Stay low and crawl under smoke to safety.

- Keep the following items near your bed in case of an emergency:
- Phone
- Medications
- Glasses
- Walker, Cane, Wheelchair, Scooter
- Flashlight and Whistle (to signal for help if needed)

- Keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn.
- Shut off and unplug heaters when you leave the room or go to bed.
- Always plug space heaters directly into a wall outlet. NEVER into an extension cord or power strip.

- Bed shakers and strobe smoke alarms are available for those that are hard of hearing.
- Call our office if you are in need of a specialized smoke alarm.

- If you smoke, smoke outside.
- Use large, deep, and sturdy ashtrays. Wet cigarette butts and ashes before throwing them out.
- Never smoke in bed.
- Never smoke is medical oxygen is used in the home.

- Stand by your pan, stay in the kitchen when frying or sauteeing. If you leave the kitchen, even for a short time, turn off the burner.
- Use a timer when cooking, and take it with you if you as a reminder you are cooking.
- If a pan of food catches fire, slide a lid or cookie sheet over it and turn off the burner.
- Do not cook if you are drowsy from alcohol or medication. And avoid cooking when taking new medication until you know how it will affect you.