4900 Block W. Maple Hill Road, McCullom Lake

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Battalion Chief’s Office  

Non-Emergency Phone: (815) 385-0075  

Release Date: 11/10/24  

Battalion Chief Ryan Mastandrea  

On Sunday, November 10th, at approximately 1:40 a.m., the McHenry Township Fire  Protection District (MTFPD) was dispatched to a reported structure fire in the 4900 block  of W. Maple Hill Rd, in McCullom Lake. MTFPD crews arrived within six minutes to  find a one-story home with visible smoke and fire coming from its front.  

All residents were out of the house prior to our arrival. MTFPD crews made an aggressive  interior attack to extinguish the fire and simultaneously searched the home to ensure there  were no other people inside. Due to the area not having hydrants, water tenders were  brought to the scene to supply water. The fire was deemed under control within 20  minutes.  

There were no civilian or firefighter injuries. The fire is currently under investigation, and  a damage estimate is not available at this time. The house is deemed uninhabitable. The  American Red Cross assisted the home's residents.  

The fire was upgraded to a MABAS (Mutual Aid Box Alarm System) Box Alarm for  change of quarter companies only. MTFPD received assistance from the Richmond and  Wonder Lake Fire Departments at the scene. Cary, Woodstock, Lake Villa, and Round  Lake Fire Departments provided station coverage.